Another Independent review of diesel fuel additives!
In this video, “Repair Geek” takes a look at 5 popular diesel fuel supplements on the market: Stanadyne Performance Formula, Hot Shot Secret Everyday Diesel Treatment, PowerService Kleen + Cetane Boost, Archoil AR6500, and Opti Lube XDP All-in-one. All of these products are marketed to improve the lubricity and cetane of your diesel fuel. They compare each product to untreated diesel fuel to see if these products do what they claim to improve diesel fuel. Each sample was tested using D6079 otherwise known as the HFRR test and D613 which tests the Cetane of the fuel. Two of the largest issues going on right now with light duty diesels are high pressure fuel pump failures like the Bosch CP4 and emissions system problems. All of these products are marketed to improve the lubricity of the fuel which would help keep the CP4 pumps alive and increase cetane which helps the fuel to burn cleaner, reducing soot build up in the engine overall.
Chapters: 00:00
Intro 00:04
How I got hooked up with Lake 1:29
Diesel fuel system basics 5:08
Why we wanted to test these additives 9:12
Are these all the same thing in a different bottle? 16:20
How did we test each product? 19:55
Testing Results 26:55
Why cetane matters 28:05
Testing conclusions 29:25
The cost of LEGIT testing like this... 32:07
Possible future collaborations 32:58
Cost analysis of these products 39:49
Final conclusions